Shekinah Fields

We always have fun while learning.

The after-school program that I am in is called "The Reading Room". I love "The Reading Room"! Why?

For lots of reasons.

The first reason is we always have fun while learning. We play Boggle, we read in groups, have impromptu spelling bees, dictionary races, learned test taking strategies, we have also put puzzles together and learned tips for developing focus, watch public speaking videos and more. We have read sections of the Kids' Post and graphic novels. We have had Readers' Theater.

We have a "Tiny Tots' Reading Room" and I have helped the preschoolers develop their pre-reading skills.

Recently we visited our local library together and then went bowling. What a blast that was!

America's Afterschool Storybook tells the stories of people and communities transformed by afterschool programs.

The Afterschool Alliance launched the Storybook to help commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers, the only federal initiative dedicated to supporting community afterschool programs.

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Gretchen Wright