Several states have legislation that establishes a sound base for afterschool access, quality, funding and long-term sustainability. How can you go about developing a proposal for legislative action in your state?
Several states have legislation that establishes a sound base for afterschool access, quality, funding and long-term sustainability. How can you go about developing a proposal for legislative action in your state?
Several states have legislation that establishes a sound base for afterschool access, quality, funding and long-term sustainability. How can you go about developing a proposal for legislative action in your state?
View this template for a legislative proposal. In addition to sample language, this template asks questions and raises points you and other advocates will need to consider and agree upon as you create your legislation and before you seek a legislative sponsor. Once you have chosen a legislative goal, you may find the Midwest Academy Strategy Chart (downloadable here) useful in thinking through your campaign.
Learning from other states can be a helpful tool as you plan your own advocacy below are some examples of state legislation across the country. If you have updates, questions, or corrections on the below, please reach out to us and let us know!
State Efforts in Afterschool Legislation and Funding (Selected Examples)
Student Achievement: Afterschool has a strong research base on supporting students in these areas and states are looking to afterschool as a partner in building school success.
See an National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) summary of 2019 Afterschool Policy