Are you allowed to advocate for afterschool?
Anyone can advocate for afterschool! It is important to note that, if your program is funded by federal grants, you may not use your federal dollars to lobby elected officials. You can, however, communicate the successes of your programs and hopes for continued support.
You know firsthand the profound impact afterschool has; all you have to do is tell your story and you can be an effective advocate for sustaining and expanding support of afterschool programs in your community.
Additional Resources:
Making your voice heard at key moments is critical! Take a look at how a bill becomes a law to see where the key decision points fall in the federal policy making process.
For background on how state budgets are created, go to our State Policy Center.
For more ideas on how to take action and for key advocacy dates for this year, visit our Take Action Center.
The Candidate’s Guide to Afterschool provides a primer on afterschool issues for candidates.
Gather signatures on the downloadable petition.