How Afterschool Programs are Building School-Day Engagement and Improving Attendance (Jan 2025)
Chronic absenteeism is a widespread challenge impacting nearly every school district nationwide. However, it is not an issue that schools should tackle alone. This issue brief highlights the unique roles afterschool programs play in improving school-day attendance and strengthening students’ connection to school. By engaging students in hands-on learning experiences that can ignite new interests, connecting students with caring adults and mentors, and creating a space where student agency, voice, and choice are valued and encouraged, afterschool programs are a proven source of support in helping to solve the complex problem that is chronic absenteeism.
The Latest Research on the Impact of Afterschool and Summer Programs (September 2024)
This brief includes findings from more than three dozen studies and reports highlighting outcomes associated with young people's participation in afterschool and summer programs, including increased engagement in school, reduced chronic absenteeism, improved academic performance, and a positive impact on students' mental well-being.
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Investments in Student Recovery: 5 Facts about High-Poverty School Districts’ Pandemic Relief Spending on Afterschool and Summer Programs (May 2024)
Following up on the report “Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts’ Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities,” this fact sheet examines high-poverty school districts’ spending of American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds on afterschool and summer programming.
Federal Funding
Federal Policy
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This is Afterschool (May 2024)
This fact sheet includes data points on how afterschool programs are accelerating students' academic growth, supporting their well-being, and helping working families. Additionally, it highlights the overwhelming support afterschool programs have from voters across the political spectrum.
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21st CCLC Facts and Figures (May 2024)
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative is the only federal funding source dedicated exclusively to before-school, afterschool, and summer learning programs. In addition to providing an updated overview of 21st CCLC programs, which currently serve more than 1.3 million students, this brief highlights the activities and supports provided by programs; the impact programs have on students’ school-day attendance, academics, and behavior; and addresses the current state of funding for the initiative. This brief also includes a callout feature on 21st CCLC programs increasing engagement in school and reducing chronic absenteeism.
21st CCLC
Federal Funding
Federal Policy
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Afterschool Programs Support Learning Recovery But Struggle with Staffing and Program Costs (April 2024)
A survey of 1,116 afterschool program providers, conducted between October 31 and December 5, 2023, finds that afterschool programs are keeping young people connected, engaged, and inspired, but also continue to face challenges largely due to staffing and program costs. For programs that have been able to obtain federal pandemic relief funds, these funds have helped them keep their doors open, take steps to enhance staff recruitment and retention efforts, serve more students, and expand programming. However, as the end of this federal funding approaches, providers are very concerned about their future sustainability.
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5 Facts about Rural School Districts’ Pandemic Relief Spending on Afterschool and Summer Programs (March 2024)
Following up on the report “Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts’ Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities,” this fact sheet takes a closer look at if and how rural school districts have allocated their American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds toward afterschool and summer programming.
Federal Funding
Federal Policy
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Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts' Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities (October 2023)
Federal funds distributed to school districts across the nation to aid in pandemic-related recovery represent a unique opportunity to support students through afterschool and summer programs. This brief illustrates how school districts allocated their American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds toward afterschool and summer learning opportunities and the strategies districts used to support students’ learning recovery. It also provides recommendations to maximize future investments in afterschool and summer programs to help young people learn, be healthy, and thrive.
Federal Funding
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Then and Now: A Retrospective on the Afterschool in the Time of Covid-19 Survey Series - Waves 1-9 (July 2023)
Over the course of the past three years, the U.S. has gone through a tumultuous time, from statewide stay-at-home orders in March 2020 to the recent end of the national and public health emergency declarations. We are grateful to the afterschool community for being generous with their time and responding to our series of surveys in the midst of this challenging time. This dashboard provides an overview of the afterschool field’s changing landscape as it responded to the immediate needs of the children and families they served.
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Recent Evaluations of 21st Century Community Learning Centers Illustrate Wide Range of Benefits (July 2023)
This brief highlights a cross section of recently conducted statewide evaluations on 21st CCLC programs to illustrate the impacts of this initiative, which is accelerating academic growth, improving students' engagement in school and behavior in class, fostering well-being, and helping students thrive both in school and out.
21st CCLC
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