Afterschool Research: Arts
Promoting creativity and self-expression
From dance to photography to theater, afterschool programs are helping kids cultivate their creative talents.
Afterschool Research: Arts
Promoting creativity and self-expression
From dance to photography to theater, afterschool programs are helping kids cultivate their creative talents.
The Arts Education Partnership and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities wrote, “When young people are involved with the arts, something changes in their lives.” This section contains examples of afterschool and summer learning programs drawing on the expertise of arts organizations, local artists, and school day art and music educators to tap into students’ inventiveness, providing a fun outlet that helps positively stimulate and motivate students.
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Arts and Afterschool: A Powerful Combination (2005) In this increasingly competitive information age and creative economy, art education is being squeezed out of school curricula, but knowledge and skills in the arts remains important. This brief addresses how the arts support creative achievement, unite communities, encourage self-expression and teach students about cultural history. This brief also highlights the role afterschool programs can play in filling the current gap in art education. |
Arts Enrichment in Afterschool (2012) The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the second of four issue briefs in our fifth series examining critical issues facing middle school youth and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. This brief addresses the positive influences art has on a child's development, the challenges schools face in providing comprehensive arts education and the role afterschool programs can play to support arts enrichment. |