Afterschool Research: Evaluation and Data
The research is in: afterschool works
A growing body of research shows that afterschool programs are helping kids to learn, grow and thrive.
Afterschool Research: Evaluation and Data
The research is in: afterschool works
A growing body of research shows that afterschool programs are helping kids to learn, grow and thrive.
Long-term evaluations, meta-analyses, state-level program studies, individual program assessments—over the course of the past 15 years, the research demonstrating the positive impacts of quality afterschool programs have on students has continued to grow. This section offers a compilation of recent afterschool research, including figures on the number of children participating in afterschool.
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The Latest Research on the Impact of Afterschool and Summer Programs (September 2024) This brief includes findings from more than three dozen studies and reports highlighting outcomes associated with young people's participation in afterschool and summer programs, including increased engagement in school, reduced chronic absenteeism, improved academic performance, and a positive impact on students' mental well-being. Evaluations |
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Afterschool Programs Support Learning Recovery But Struggle with Staffing and Program Costs (April 2024) A survey of 1,116 afterschool program providers, conducted between October 31 and December 5, 2023, finds that afterschool programs are keeping young people connected, engaged, and inspired, but also continue to face challenges largely due to staffing and program costs. For programs that have been able to obtain federal pandemic relief funds, these funds have helped them keep their doors open, take steps to enhance staff recruitment and retention efforts, serve more students, and expand programming. However, as the end of this federal funding approaches, providers are very concerned about their future sustainability. Evaluations |
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The Evidence Base for Afterschool and Summer (April 2021) This research brief synthesizes findings from nearly two dozen evaluations of afterschool and summer programs that demonstrate the evidence of the positive impact programs have on academics, social and emotional skills and competencies, and overall well-being to help students re-engage in learning and emerge from the pandemic strong, resilient, and hopeful. Evaluations |
21st Century Community Learning Centers: The evidence base (Feb 2020) 21st Century Community Learning Centers: The evidence base (Feb 2020) Over the course of more than 20 years, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative has expanded and evolved to offer elementary, middle, and high schoolers enriching learning activities outside of the school day in literacy, math, science, the arts, and music, as well as hands-on experiences to help develop workforce skills. This document provides a small sampling of current research that demonstrates participation in Community Learning Centers makes a positive difference in the lives of the young people they serve. 21st CCLC Evaluations |
Evaluations Backgrounder: A Summary of Formal Evaluations of Afterschool Programs’ Impact on Academics, Behavior, Safety and Family Life (2015) The most recent evaluations available today continue to support the important role afterschool plays in student development and success. This updated evaluations backgrounder includes new research outlining the positive impacts of afterschool programs on academic performances, behavior, safety, attendance, avoidance of risky behaviors and parental involvement, and the importance of frequency and duration of participation in seeing these benefits. Evaluations |
Looking at the Data: Afterschool Programs Using Data to Better Serve Students (August 2014) The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation is proud to present the last of four issue briefs in our sixth series examining critical issues facing middle school youth and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. This brief addresses what afterschool programs gain through data collection and evaluation, how to evaluate a program effectively and how to use to data collected for program improvement. Evaluations |
Afterschool Essentials Afterschool Essentials are materials that help to make a strong case for afterschool, including key facts about the afterschool hours, the positive impact of afterschool, and details about the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative—the only federal funding source dedicated exclusively to before-school, afterschool and summer learning programs. 21st CCLC Evaluations |