Issue Briefs
Drawing connections between pressing issues and afterschool
Name almost any topic and the Afterschool Alliance can tell you how it intersects with afterschool in these briefs that are chock-full of information.
Issue Briefs
Drawing connections between pressing issues and afterschool
Name almost any topic and the Afterschool Alliance can tell you how it intersects with afterschool in these briefs that are chock-full of information.
Afterschool programs are a key partner in strengthening communities across the country, whether it's keeping kids active and healthy in the hours after school or meeting the needs of underserved populations to promoting parent engagement and beyond. These briefs demonstrate the connections between afterschool and a wide range of hot topics, presenting contextual data on the topic, providing examples of promising afterschool programs, and making the case for greater investment in afterschool.
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How Afterschool Programs are Building School-Day Engagement and Improving Attendance (Jan 2025) Chronic absenteeism is a widespread challenge impacting nearly every school district nationwide. However, it is not an issue that schools should tackle alone. This issue brief highlights the unique roles afterschool programs play in improving school-day attendance and strengthening students’ connection to school. By engaging students in hands-on learning experiences that can ignite new interests, connecting students with caring adults and mentors, and creating a space where student agency, voice, and choice are valued and encouraged, afterschool programs are a proven source of support in helping to solve the complex problem that is chronic absenteeism.
The Latest Research on the Impact of Afterschool and Summer Programs (September 2024) This brief includes findings from more than three dozen studies and reports highlighting outcomes associated with young people's participation in afterschool and summer programs, including increased engagement in school, reduced chronic absenteeism, improved academic performance, and a positive impact on students' mental well-being. Evaluations |
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Recent Evaluations of 21st Century Community Learning Centers Illustrate Wide Range of Benefits (July 2023) This brief highlights a cross section of recently conducted statewide evaluations on 21st CCLC programs to illustrate the impacts of this initiative, which is accelerating academic growth, improving students' engagement in school and behavior in class, fostering well-being, and helping students thrive both in school and out. 21st CCLC |
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Parents and Voters Support Afterschool and Summer for All (February 2023) In a second brief highlighting results from an online poll of registered voters, conducted by Lake Research Partners November 9-14, 2022, this document includes both voter and parent opinions on afterschool and summer programs. It finds strong support for afterschool and summer programs, as well as high levels of agreement that programs are a valuable partner for schools. Surveys |
Voters Agree: Afterschool Programs are a Priority (January 2023) A new poll of voters, conducted November 9-14, 2022, finds united support for afterschool programs. This brief highlights voter trend data regarding attitudes toward afterschool programs and illustrates the strong approval rating afterschool programs have from voters across political affiliations, races, ethnicities, and ages. Surveys |
Afterschool: A Bipartisan Solution to Help Young People Thrive (October 2022) At a time of deep partisan divides, Afterschool Alliance surveys of parents of school-age children before and during the pandemic have found an area of consensus around support for afterschool and summer learning programs. Across the political spectrum, parents identifying as Democratic, Independent, and Republican strongly agree that afterschool and summer learning programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and providing peace of mind to working parents, with overwhelming majorities in favor of public funding for such programs. Parents and Families Surveys COVID-19 |
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Access to Afterschool Programs Remains a Challenge for Many Families (August 2022) A survey of approximately 1,500 parents or guardians of school-age children, conducted May 22-June 28, 2022, provides a snapshot of the current afterschool program landscape during the pandemic, documenting that while children and families who are able to access afterschool programs report high levels of satisfaction, for every child in an afterschool program, there are four more who are waiting to get in. COVID-19 |
How COVID Relief Funding is a Lifeline for Afterschool and Summer Programs During the Pandemic (July 2022) Funds from the American Rescue Plan present a tremendous opportunity to help afterschool and summer programs support the children and families in their communities. Although results from the seventh wave of Afterschool Alliance’s survey series, conducted March 21 through April 12, 2022, show that a large share of providers have not accessed COVID relief funding, for those who have, the funding has allowed them to hire more staff, serve more students, and expand their programming. COVID-19 |
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Where Did All the Afterschool Staff Go? – Wave 6 (January 2022) Finding staff to hire or staffing shortages, and maintaining staff levels through health concerns and safety protocols are the top two concerns among afterschool providers based on the Afterschool in the Time of COVID-19 Wave 6 survey, conducted by Edge Research between Nov. 1 and Dec. 13, 2021. While staffing challenges are not a new issue for the afterschool field, this survey of 1,048 afterschool program providers confirms that now, more than ever, staffing is impacting the ability of providers to meet the needs of the children and families they serve. Issue Briefs Surveys |
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Credit for Learning: Making Learning Outside of School Count (Nov 2021) Creating new and engaging learning opportunities for middle and high school students can help them find their inspiration, gain skills that will benefit them in and outside of the classroom, and play an active role in designing their own learning journey to reach their full potential. This issue brief, complemented by in-depth afterschool program profiles, explores the ways in which afterschool programs can provide older youth with opportunities to explore their interests and participate in activities that also allow them to earn credits toward their graduation requirements.