In-depth reporting on afterschool
Sometimes you don’t want to boil down the information on an issue. These lengthier materials provide a more comprehensive look at afterschool developments and research.
In-depth reporting on afterschool
Sometimes you don’t want to boil down the information on an issue. These lengthier materials provide a more comprehensive look at afterschool developments and research.
This section includes a variety of reports that present evaluation data on afterschool, recent afterschool developments, and research on how states and afterschool programs are dealing with tough budget times. Click on the links below to read the reports.
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Community STEM Collaborations that Support Children and Families Youth are natural scientists at birth, discovering and exploring their world and trying to make sense of it. A child’s education is not limited to just the time they spend in the classroom. Children learn at home with their families, in public libraries, or through out-of-school-time experiences provided at community centers and in afterschool and summer learning programs, and even on vacations. In this paper, we endeavor to make the case that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) is an ideal subject area that can engage children with fun, active learning activities. It is also an important societal area around which parents, librarians, and OST providers can collaborate and complement the work of schools. STEM |
Full STEM Ahead: Afterschool Programs Step Up as Key Partners in STEM Education (Sept 2015) This report provides the first national look at access to afterschool STEM programs and parental attitudes towards such programs by outlining survey findings, identifying current challenges, and providing recommendations to improve afterschool STEM programming in the future. Full STEM Ahead is presented as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. STEM |