Afterschool Webinar:
Setting the Stage: Unpacking the Data on High-Quality Afterschool Arts Programs
Setting the Stage: Unpacking the Data on High-Quality Afterschool Arts Programs
Join the Afterschool Alliance and Forum for Youth Investment to unpack the findings from “Setting the Stage: Practical Ideas for Implementing High-Quality Afterschool Arts Programs,” which looks at how professional teaching artists, high-quality equipment, and dedicated, welcoming art spaces can make a difference for afterschool programs interested in embedding arts learning. The report, conducted by Research for Action and McClanahan Associates, Inc. and commissioned by The Wallace Foundation, also explores research-based 10 Principles for High-Quality Afterschool Arts Programs. Join us to dig into the recommendations made by the report, gain deeper insights from the researchers themselves, and have the chance to hear firsthand accounts from programs featured in the report.