

A second look at "Parenting in America"


A second look at "Parenting in America"

Last month, we wrote a blog highlighting key findings from the Pew Research Center’s report, Parenting in America: Outlook, worries, aspirations are strongly linked to financial situation. Due to the enormous amount of questions asked in the Pew survey and the variety of demographic breakdowns covered in the 100-plus report, we weren’t able to dive deep into each and every one of the findings that stood out to us. Which is why we decided to go back, take a second look at the report, and this time take parents’ responses related to afterschool in Pew’s survey and compare them to parents’ responses from America After 3PM, our national household survey examining how children spend the hours after school.

A key takeaway from Pew’s report that I'd like to spend a little more time on are the socioeconomic and racial gaps that arise, especially when looking at parents’ ability to find afterschool opportunities for their children. The report found that for some parents—especially lower-income families and African-American parents—locating affordable, high-quality afterschool activities and programs in their community is challenging. More than half of families making less than $30,000 annually (52 percent) report that it is hard to find affordable, high-quality afterschool programs and activities. This is 23 percentage points higher than families with an annual income of over $75,000. African-American parents are even more likely to report difficulties. Fifty-six percent of African-American parents report that it is hard to find afterschool programs and activities. This is also higher than both White and Hispanic parents (35 percent and 38 percent, respectively). 

These socioeconomic and racial gaps mirror a few findings from our most recent America After 3PM survey. For example, America After 3PM found that more than half of low-income families (52 percent) and African-American families (55 percent) agreed that finding an enriching environment for their child in the hours after school was a challenge. America After 3PM also found that the demand for afterschool programs is much higher among low-income families compared to higher-income families. Half of children from low-income families would be enrolled in an afterschool program if one were available, compared to 34 percent of children from higher-income households. The demand for programs is also highest among African-American families, where 60 percent of African-American children who are not enrolled in a program would be if a program were available to them, compared to 57 percent of Hispanic children and 35 percent of White children.

It was also interesting to discover that the numbers in the Pew survey that look at where children are during the after school hours fall very much in line with what we reported in America After 3PM: Afterschool Programs in Demand. Although the questions in each survey were asked in slightly different manners—with the Pew survey focused on the “where” and America After 3PM focused on the “who”—each survey had similar findings. For instance, Pew found that a family’s home was the most common place children go to after school, with 70 percent of parents reporting that their children go home on a typical day after school. Similarly, in America After 3PM the majority of households (77 percent) reported that their child was regularly cared for by a parent or guardian.

When asked about afterschool programs, the Pew survey found that 18 percent of parents said that their child stayed at school for activities/went to afterschool activities, and 8 percent said that their child went to an after-care program, for a total of 26 percent of parents that report some type of activity or program for their child after school. In America After 3PM, 23 percent of households reported that their child regularly attended an afterschool program. Again, here, the Pew survey found a difference in afterschool arrangements based on income level, where the higher the income level of parents, the more likely they were to report that their children are in afterschool activities. Parents making more than $75,000 annually were almost two times as likely as parents making less than $30,000 to have their kids in afterschool programs or activities. 

"Parents making more than $75,000 annually were almost two times as likely as parents making less than $30,000 to have their kids in afterschool programs or activities."

There were a few differences between the two surveys when examining afterschool availability and afterschool participation. One difference is that, while the Pew survey found that Hispanic parents had less difficulties finding afterschool programs and activities, America After 3PM found Hispanic parents were more likely than both parents overall and African-American parents to report that finding an enriching afterschool program was challenging. Another big difference between the two surveys is that the Pew survey found that higher-income parents were much more likely to have a child in an afterschool program, whereas America After 3PM found that low-income parents were slightly more likely to report that their child is in an afterschool program. It’s difficult to identify exactly why there is a difference in answers, but two possibilities are:

  1. The question asked of parents in the Pew survey regarding availability was broader in nature, asking parents to think about the availability of afterschool activities and programs for their community, whereas America After 3PM asks parents to think specifically about their particular situation.
  2. Another important distinction between the two surveys is that the definition of an “afterschool program” was much more specific in America After 3PM. In America After 3PM, an afterschool program was one that “a child regularly attends that provides a supervised, enriching environment in the hours after the school day ends, typically around 3 p.m. These programs are usually offered in schools or community centers and are different from individual activities such as sports, special lessons, or hobby clubs, and different from childcare facilities that provide supervision but not enrichment."  On the other hand, the Pew survey left “after-school activities and programs” open to the interpretation of the respondent, and therefore could include activities that were specifically excluded in America After 3PM’s definition, such as “sports, special lessons, or hobby clubs”, as well as “childcare facilities that provide supervision but not enrichment.”

Despite those differences, what struck me about both surveys is the impact socioeconomic status and race have on the ability of parents to find and enroll their children in afterschool programs. We know that for every one child in an afterschool program, there are two more who are waiting to get in. It’s clear that there is much more work ahead to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate in affordable, quality afterschool programs, and we at the Afterschool Alliance are looking forward to meeting that challenge in the year to come.  

New survey results show parents want more summer programming

This week, a new survey released by the National Summer Learning Association and the American Camp Association highlights what last summer was like for kids and families in the U.S. Conducted by Gallup, May 1-15, the survey of more than 6,800 parents finds that more than half parents (55%) report...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/26/24

Youth value voice, preparing for the future, and making a difference in afterschool

More than 9 in 10 youth report that they feel respected, are listened to, and trust the adults in their afterschool programs, according to research released by Every Hour Counts. Acting in leadership positions, working on social justice, and learning how to manage money were among the activities...

BY: Ursula Helminski      07/16/24

Survey results point to a summer of learning and engagement ahead for young people

As the temperature starts to rise, and in D.C., we start to feel the familiar humidity creep into the air, one’s thoughts can’t help but turn to summer—and for those of us at the Afterschool Alliance, that includes thinking about what the state of summer programming will look...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      05/17/24

New survey: Afterschool programs advance learning recovery efforts but face staffing and cost challenges

Based on a new national survey of 1,116 afterschool program providers, programs are supporting students’ academic development, strengthening peer-to-peer connections, and creating opportunities where they can practice life skills. At the same time, providers report grappling with issues such...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      04/25/24

Pandemic relief funds expanded support for underserved students in Minnesota

A recent report on pandemic relief funds showed the numerous ways that school districts are using federal funds to support students with afterschool and summer learning opportunities. A new spotlight dives deeper into one example in Minnesota and how St. Louis Park Public Schools used American...

BY: Liana Shivers      04/12/24

Year in review: Pandemic relief funds support the nutrition of young people

In 2023, we released eight blogs and collected over 550 examples on our American Rescue Plan map, highlighting some of the amazing ways pandemic relief funds are being utilized for afterschool and summer. These funds have supported youth access to arts, physical activity, mental health services,...

BY: Emily Murtaugh      01/04/24

Tracking American Rescue Plan funds: Recommendations from the field

By Emily Murtaugh and Liana Shivers. In October, the Afterschool Alliance released a new report, “Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts’ Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities,” detailing how districts are...

BY: Guest Blogger      12/01/23

American Rescue Plan funds support afterschool programs for Native American families

Native Americans represent more than 570 tribes, 3.7 million people, and 644,000 students across the country. The America After 3PM for Native American Families fact sheet highlights how afterschool programs play an important role in Native American communities by providing comprehensive support...

BY: Liana Shivers      11/28/23

Pandemic relief funds fuel partnerships

We’re highlighting ways that COVID relief funds are increasing partnerships to support out-of-school time learning, as a part of our series highlighting the wide variety of examples available in our map of City, State, and School District Investments in Afterschool and Summer Learning with...

BY: Sophie Kidd      11/07/23

COVID relief funds support 21st Century Community Learning Centers

This month, we're spotlighting entries in our map of pandemic relief funds that support 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) programs across the country. This initiative is the only federal funding source solely dedicated to before-school, afterschool, and summer learning...

BY: Sophie Kidd      10/16/23

New survey results show parents want more summer programming

This week, a new survey released by the National Summer Learning Association and the American Camp Association highlights what last summer was like for kids and families in the U.S. Conducted by Gallup, May 1-15, the survey of more than 6,800 parents finds that more than half parents (55%) report...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/26/24

5 facts about rural school districts’ pandemic relief spending on afterschool and summer programs

In rural Washington State, one school district invested a quarter of a million dollars of its American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to create a brand-new afterschool program for the district’s elementary school students that provided extra homework help, STEM learning opportunities, and time for...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      03/22/24

Cultivating the next workforce generation in afterschool programs

21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) provide new career opportunities for students by giving them hands-on experience working in afterschool and summer enrichment programs. Many 21st CCLC sites offer opportunities where students can be assistant teachers, tutors, coaches, and...

BY: Sophie Kidd      02/02/24

Year in review: Pandemic relief funds support the nutrition of young people

In 2023, we released eight blogs and collected over 550 examples on our American Rescue Plan map, highlighting some of the amazing ways pandemic relief funds are being utilized for afterschool and summer. These funds have supported youth access to arts, physical activity, mental health services,...

BY: Emily Murtaugh      01/04/24

COVID-relief funds deep dive (part 2)

By Liana Shivers and Emily Murtaugh. In March 2021, local education agencies (LEAs) received approximately $22 billion from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to support COVID-related learning recovery, including afterschool and summer learning. This is the second blog...

BY: Guest Blogger      09/22/23

New dashboard presents a retrospective of the Afterschool in the Time of COVID-19 survey series

Over the course of the last three years, thanks to the afterschool field’s generous nature and taking the time during an incredibly tumultuous period to respond to our surveys, the Afterschool Alliance has been able to track the changing landscape of the afterschool field. A recently released...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/19/23

Survey finds that programs open this summer will reach the highest levels in three years

Thanks to the more than 1,100 program providers who responded to Afterschool Alliance’s spring survey to better understand the current state of the field, we are able to share some insights into what providers anticipate for this summer. This summer, program providers are much more certain...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/14/23

Pandemic relief funds are supporting summer learning opportunities for youth

Photo courtesy of GENTS & GLAM As we look forward to National Summer Learning Week on July 10-14, we’re shining a light on the ways COVID-relief funds are supporting students while school is out for the summer. Thanks to these funds, kids have the opportunity to explore new activities,...

BY: Sophie Kidd      06/28/23

Kicking off a celebration of 25 years of 21st CCLC

Over the course of the past 25 years, millions of students have taken part in fun, academically enriching learning experiences in their 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program, making friends while exploring new areas of interest and finding their passions, all in a safe...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      05/23/23

Pandemic relief funds are helping support youth and families' mental health

We continue to add examples to the American Rescue Plan map, illuminating how cities, states, and school districts use pandemic relief funds to support afterschool and summer learning. Today, we are focusing on mental health. Why? May is National Mental Health Awareness Month! In 2021,...

BY: Liana Shivers      05/12/23

Braiding pandemic relief funds to increase afterschool and summer opportunities

School districts continue to leverage American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to support students in afterschool and summer programs. Two new spotlights, Chickasaw City Schools and Tuscaloosa City Schools. take a closer look at how two school...

BY: Liana Shivers      06/21/24

How are high-poverty school districts’ spending their American Rescue Plan funds on afterschool and summer programs?

In New Jersey’s East Orange School District, students from families with low incomes benefitted from expanded enrichment and academic support, thanks to the district’s investment of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds in afterschool and summer programs. For example, the district was able...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      05/23/24

Pandemic relief funds expanded support for underserved students in Minnesota

A recent report on pandemic relief funds showed the numerous ways that school districts are using federal funds to support students with afterschool and summer learning opportunities. A new spotlight dives deeper into one example in Minnesota and how St. Louis Park Public Schools used American...

BY: Liana Shivers      04/12/24

5 facts about rural school districts’ pandemic relief spending on afterschool and summer programs

In rural Washington State, one school district invested a quarter of a million dollars of its American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to create a brand-new afterschool program for the district’s elementary school students that provided extra homework help, STEM learning opportunities, and time for...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      03/22/24

New fact sheet: Using American Rescue Plan Funds For Afterschool And Summer Programs

Following up on findings from the “Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts’ Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities” report, our new fact sheet describes the impact of American Rescue Plan (ARP) investments in...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      02/26/24

Cultivating the next workforce generation in afterschool programs

21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) provide new career opportunities for students by giving them hands-on experience working in afterschool and summer enrichment programs. Many 21st CCLC sites offer opportunities where students can be assistant teachers, tutors, coaches, and...

BY: Sophie Kidd      02/02/24

Year in review: Pandemic relief funds support the nutrition of young people

In 2023, we released eight blogs and collected over 550 examples on our American Rescue Plan map, highlighting some of the amazing ways pandemic relief funds are being utilized for afterschool and summer. These funds have supported youth access to arts, physical activity, mental health services,...

BY: Emily Murtaugh      01/04/24

Tracking American Rescue Plan funds: Recommendations from the field

By Emily Murtaugh and Liana Shivers. In October, the Afterschool Alliance released a new report, “Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts’ Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities,” detailing how districts are...

BY: Guest Blogger      12/01/23

American Rescue Plan funds support afterschool programs for Native American families

Native Americans represent more than 570 tribes, 3.7 million people, and 644,000 students across the country. The America After 3PM for Native American Families fact sheet highlights how afterschool programs play an important role in Native American communities by providing comprehensive support...

BY: Liana Shivers      11/28/23

Pandemic relief funds fuel partnerships

We’re highlighting ways that COVID relief funds are increasing partnerships to support out-of-school time learning, as a part of our series highlighting the wide variety of examples available in our map of City, State, and School District Investments in Afterschool and Summer Learning with...

BY: Sophie Kidd      11/07/23

5 facts about rural school districts’ pandemic relief spending on afterschool and summer programs

In rural Washington State, one school district invested a quarter of a million dollars of its American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to create a brand-new afterschool program for the district’s elementary school students that provided extra homework help, STEM learning opportunities, and time for...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      03/22/24

New fact sheet: Using American Rescue Plan Funds For Afterschool And Summer Programs

Following up on findings from the “Investments in Student Recovery: A Review of School Districts’ Use of American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Afterschool and Summer Opportunities” report, our new fact sheet describes the impact of American Rescue Plan (ARP) investments in...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      02/26/24

Pandemic relief funds fuel partnerships

We’re highlighting ways that COVID relief funds are increasing partnerships to support out-of-school time learning, as a part of our series highlighting the wide variety of examples available in our map of City, State, and School District Investments in Afterschool and Summer Learning with...

BY: Sophie Kidd      11/07/23

New dashboard presents a retrospective of the Afterschool in the Time of COVID-19 survey series

Over the course of the last three years, thanks to the afterschool field’s generous nature and taking the time during an incredibly tumultuous period to respond to our surveys, the Afterschool Alliance has been able to track the changing landscape of the afterschool field. A recently released...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/19/23

Survey finds that programs open this summer will reach the highest levels in three years

Thanks to the more than 1,100 program providers who responded to Afterschool Alliance’s spring survey to better understand the current state of the field, we are able to share some insights into what providers anticipate for this summer. This summer, program providers are much more certain...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/14/23

Pandemic relief funds are supporting summer learning opportunities for youth

Photo courtesy of GENTS & GLAM As we look forward to National Summer Learning Week on July 10-14, we’re shining a light on the ways COVID-relief funds are supporting students while school is out for the summer. Thanks to these funds, kids have the opportunity to explore new activities,...

BY: Sophie Kidd      06/28/23

Fall afterschool provider survey results: A child care provider perspective

The recent Afterschool Provider Survey, published February 2023, included a universe of over 1,000 programs across the country. Of the 1,016 programs surveyed, just under 10 percent (92) identified themselves as “afterschool programs run by child care centers.” The data allow for...

BY: Jillian Luchner      05/08/23

300 ways pandemic relief funds are supporting afterschool and summer

We’re thrilled to share a new and improved interactive map showing examples of afterschool and summer programming supported by pandemic relief funds. From experiential learning camps in Vermont where youth learned how to use a compass and identify wild edibles; to STEM offerings in...

BY: Ursula Helminski      04/17/23

COVID-relief funds deep dive (part 1)

By Emily Murtaugh and Liana Shivers. Two years have passed since states received their portion of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III or ARP ESSER) funds as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Funds, allocated at the state education agency (SEA) and local...

BY: Guest Blogger      04/14/23

ARP funds are helping young people stay active

As the weather warms up this spring, we are highlighting how American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding supports kids getting outside to play and move their bodies. Physical activity is essential to a young person’s development; from pre-pandemic levels to during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been...

BY: Emily Murtaugh      04/10/23

New survey results show parents want more summer programming

This week, a new survey released by the National Summer Learning Association and the American Camp Association highlights what last summer was like for kids and families in the U.S. Conducted by Gallup, May 1-15, the survey of more than 6,800 parents finds that more than half parents (55%) report...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/26/24

New report on summer 2023 programming

“Looking ahead to summer 2024, it seems like summer programming is poised to shrink rather than grow…Now that so many districts have ramped up their summer programming, the United States could choose a different path by building on the momentum already achieved—instead of scaling...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      06/14/24

Survey results point to a summer of learning and engagement ahead for young people

As the temperature starts to rise, and in D.C., we start to feel the familiar humidity creep into the air, one’s thoughts can’t help but turn to summer—and for those of us at the Afterschool Alliance, that includes thinking about what the state of summer programming will look...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      05/17/24

Phase II findings from the National Summer Learning and Enrichment Study explore how SEAs approached summer

Researchers at Westat released the second batch of findings from the National Summer Learning & Enrichment Study. The Wallace Foundation is supporting the study. This release is the second in a series of three reports taking a closer look at summer learning in 2021 from the perspective of state...

BY: Sophie Kidd      11/16/23

Survey finds that programs open this summer will reach the highest levels in three years

Thanks to the more than 1,100 program providers who responded to Afterschool Alliance’s spring survey to better understand the current state of the field, we are able to share some insights into what providers anticipate for this summer. This summer, program providers are much more certain...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/14/23

Best practices from school districts for advancing equity in expanded learning

How can we promote equity in out-of-school time (OST) programs? A new research brief commissioned by The Wallace Foundation, Expanding Equity in Afterschool and Summer Learning: Lessons From School Districts, explores this question. The brief summarizes work done by researchers at the University of...

BY: Sophie Kidd      07/03/23

Pandemic relief funds are supporting summer learning opportunities for youth

Photo courtesy of GENTS & GLAM As we look forward to National Summer Learning Week on July 10-14, we’re shining a light on the ways COVID-relief funds are supporting students while school is out for the summer. Thanks to these funds, kids have the opportunity to explore new activities,...

BY: Sophie Kidd      06/28/23

New study examines how districts approached summer learning in 2021

In December 2022, researchers at Westat released the first batch of findings from the National Summer Learning & Enrichment Study, an effort funded by the Wallace Foundation. The study will feature three reports that analyze summer learning in 2021 and 2022 across the country from the viewpoint...

BY: Sophie Kidd      03/14/23

More than half of public schools report offering afterschool programs for students who need academic assistance

At the beginning of November, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a part of the Institute of Education Services, the research branch of the Department of Education, released findings from the September 2022 data collection of their School Pulse Panel (SPP) study. This study is...

BY: Sophie Kidd      11/10/22

More than half of superintendents say summer learning/enrichment programs will decrease or end after ARP funding runs out, according to new survey

This summer, The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) released the third part of their series “School District Spending of American Rescue Plan Funding” which surveys district leaders on how they’re using ARP funds to respond to the pandemic and learning...

BY: Sophie Kidd      10/11/22

How are high-poverty school districts’ spending their American Rescue Plan funds on afterschool and summer programs?

In New Jersey’s East Orange School District, students from families with low incomes benefitted from expanded enrichment and academic support, thanks to the district’s investment of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds in afterschool and summer programs. For example, the district was able...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      05/23/24

New survey: Afterschool programs advance learning recovery efforts but face staffing and cost challenges

Based on a new national survey of 1,116 afterschool program providers, programs are supporting students’ academic development, strengthening peer-to-peer connections, and creating opportunities where they can practice life skills. At the same time, providers report grappling with issues such...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      04/25/24

Pandemic relief funds expanded support for underserved students in Minnesota

A recent report on pandemic relief funds showed the numerous ways that school districts are using federal funds to support students with afterschool and summer learning opportunities. A new spotlight dives deeper into one example in Minnesota and how St. Louis Park Public Schools used American...

BY: Liana Shivers      04/12/24

Afterschool a priority for Asian American and Pacific Islander voters

A brand new graphic draws attention to the high levels of support among Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) voters for afterschool and summer learning programs. Based on a November 2022 survey of registered voters, the graphic maps out what AAPI voters are saying about afterschool programs,...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      05/30/23

Women voters say that they want increased access to afterschool

A new graphic released this week illustrates the strong support for afterschool and summer programs among women voters. Based on results from an online survey of registered voters conducted by Lake Research Partners between November 9-14, 2022, women across political affiliations, community types,...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      03/31/23

Listening to Black voters: Afterschool is essential

Results are in! By overwhelming majorities, Black voters agree on the value of afterschool and summer learning programs. From inspiring children to learn to supporting young people’s well-being, polling affirms that Black voters are in favor of afterschool programs for our nation’s...

BY: Charlotte Steinecke      03/13/23

Oklahoma afterschool program supports Native American youth

Heather Taylor, an afterschool program director, and Native American Student Advocate for Tahlequah Public Schools spoke with Sophie Kidd from the Afterschool Alliance about the history of her program and how they support Native youth. How did your program start? Tahlequah Public Schools...

BY: Sophie Kidd      02/13/23

The importance of culturally driven Native American mental health interventions

By Sasha Neyra. Sasha, 16, is a Junior at Arcata High School and a Member of Big Lagoon Rancheria and wrote this piece as a part of her role as a Student Research Assistant at Two Feathers Native American Family Services. Two Feathers is excited to welcome our student research assistant. Part of...

BY: Guest Blogger      02/09/23

New America After 3PM brief focuses on Native American youth and families

For the first time, an analysis of the Afterschool Alliance’s America After 3PM survey provides an in-depth look at the afterschool experiences of Native American youth. The new brief, “America After 3PM for Native American Families,” presents data collected pre-pandemic and...

BY: Sophie Kidd      01/12/23

Youth value voice, preparing for the future, and making a difference in afterschool

More than 9 in 10 youth report that they feel respected, are listened to, and trust the adults in their afterschool programs, according to research released by Every Hour Counts. Acting in leadership positions, working on social justice, and learning how to manage money were among the activities...

BY: Ursula Helminski      07/16/24

New report on summer 2023 programming

“Looking ahead to summer 2024, it seems like summer programming is poised to shrink rather than grow…Now that so many districts have ramped up their summer programming, the United States could choose a different path by building on the momentum already achieved—instead of scaling...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      06/14/24

Phase II findings from the National Summer Learning and Enrichment Study explore how SEAs approached summer

Researchers at Westat released the second batch of findings from the National Summer Learning & Enrichment Study. The Wallace Foundation is supporting the study. This release is the second in a series of three reports taking a closer look at summer learning in 2021 from the perspective of state...

BY: Sophie Kidd      11/16/23

Survey finds that programs open this summer will reach the highest levels in three years

Thanks to the more than 1,100 program providers who responded to Afterschool Alliance’s spring survey to better understand the current state of the field, we are able to share some insights into what providers anticipate for this summer. This summer, program providers are much more certain...

BY: Nikki Yamashiro      07/14/23

Pandemic relief funds are supporting summer learning opportunities for youth

Photo courtesy of GENTS & GLAM As we look forward to National Summer Learning Week on July 10-14, we’re shining a light on the ways COVID-relief funds are supporting students while school is out for the summer. Thanks to these funds, kids have the opportunity to explore new activities,...

BY: Sophie Kidd      06/28/23

NCES data release shows increased opportunities for summer learning and more mental health supports

In early August, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a part of the Institute of Education Services, the research branch of the Department of Education, released findings from its June 2022 School Pulse Panel (SPP) study. The study’s goal is to collect data on the impact the...

BY: Sophie Kidd      08/25/22