

Weekly Media Roundup: August 21, 2024


Weekly Media Roundup: August 21, 2024

Madison Out-of-School Time (MOST) to Recognize Outstanding Youth Workers for Their Dedication and Creativity Supporting Youth, Madison 365 (Wisconsin)

Next week, Madison, Wisconsin Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway will honor 11 afterschool staff members as Madison-area Out-of-School Time (MOST) Outstanding Youth Workers. The honorees were nominated by their colleagues, with local high school students making the final selections. Amongst the winners are two “Legacy Award” honorees “who have collectively given nearly a century of service to young people and families at East Madison Community Center,” Madison 365 reported. MOST’s network includes 45 Madison-area youth organizations as well as the City of Madison, Madison Metropolitan School District, and Dane County.

Oregon Wraps Up $30 Million Summer Learning Investments as Students Prepare for New Year, Jefferson Public Radio (Oregon)

This summer, more than 50,000 students across Oregon participated in summer enrichment programs, thanks to a $30 million investment from the state. “These summer programs give our students who are most in need of support the opportunity to strengthen their skills and position themselves for enhanced success in the coming school year,” Brooke Nova, a Hillsboro School District assistant superintendent, told Jefferson Public Radio. Unfortunately, the funding was significantly lower than in past years and many school districts, including Oregon’s largest school district, Portland Public Schools, did not receive funding.
Has Before- and After-School Care Become Scarce in Savannah? Some Spaces Remain Available, Savannah Morning News (Georgia)

While the growth of Chatham County, Georgia's economy provides increased job opportunities, it is putting a strain on before- and afterschool programs as they struggle to offer competitive salaries with limited resources. “It does create a very tight workforce for the employers that are already here,” YMCA of Costal Georgia Vice President of Early Learning Becky Lehto told the Savannah Morning News. Even with increased salaries, hiring and referral incentives, and additional staffing trainings, the YMCA is having difficulty meeting the demand for afterschool programs due to staffing shortages.

'Jaws Are on the Floor': After School Program Inspiring Students to Pursue STEM Careers, Fox San Antonio (Texas)

Students in San Antonio are taking part in hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) activities thanks to a partnership between the City of San Antonio and the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology. The 21AFTERSCHOOL program includes a Lego “cyber city,” a cybersecurity operations center, flight simulators, a topographical sandbox, esports, robotics and more. “We want students to be aware of the STEM education opportunities and education career pathways that are available to them in San Antonio,” Chief Learning Officer Cliff Zintgraff told Fox San Antonio. There are “lots of jobs and careers that those students could land that could really make a difference for them and their families and the community.

Weekly Media Roundup: January 29, 2025

Afterschool Program Introduces West Columbia Students to Technology, The Facts (Texas) Students at West Columbia Elementary in Texas are taking part in hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities in the new Robocatters afterschool program, which already has a long...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/29/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 22, 2025

Another Year, Another Long Waitlist for BUSD After-School Program, Berkeleyside (California) Due to ongoing staffing shortages, more than 200 students are currently waitlisted for afterschool programs at Berkeley Unified School District. Parents in the district’s PTA Collaborative on...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/22/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 15, 2025

New 4-H Program Will Bring STEAM to Area Students, KNEB (Nebraska) Students in rural Expanding Learning Opportunity programs in Nebraska are exploring aerospace, electronics, engineering, robotics and more thanks to a partnership with 4-H. The Think Make Create Lab is a six-by-12 mobile trailer...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/15/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 8, 2025

Parks and Recreation Secures Grant to Bring Physical Activity Education to Youth in Afterschool Program, WBIW (Indiana) More than 50 students in the Banneker Afterschool program in Bloomington, Indiana are taking part in fun physical activities this year led by Indiana University School of...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/08/25

Weekly Media Roundup: December 18, 2024

Mason City YMCA Teaching Social and Emotional Skills to Kids, News-Press Now (Iowa) Students in the Mason City YMCA afterschool program in Iowa practice communication, emotional regulation, empathy and more in twice-weekly social and emotional learning sessions, learning, for instance, to take...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/18/24

Weekly Media Roundup: December 11, 2024

Usher Helps Cut Ribbon On New Content Studio at Metro Boys and Girls, WSB-TV (Georgia) This week, superstar Usher visited the Whitehead Boys & Girls Club in Atlanta, Georgia, to unveil a new content studio he donated featuring soundboards, mics, computers and other audio equipment. The...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/11/24

Weekly Media Roundup: December 4, 2024

New Program Helps Connect Older Kids to Valuable Activities, Pigeon 605 (South Dakota) Through Sioux Falls Thrive’s new Youth Connect website, parents can explore afterschool programs available in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  “Our goal is to make it super-easy for families, kids...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/04/24

Weekly Media Roundup: November 27, 2024

Detroit After-School Program Mentoring Children Through Art, Music Looking to Expand, WDIV (Michigan) At the New City Kids afterschool program in Detroit, teen mentors inspire younger students to pursue music, dance, and the arts while also providing homework assistance. The teen mentors...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      11/27/24

Weekly Media Roundup: November 20, 2024

After-School Program Opens in Lewis County for the First Time in Years, WDTV 5 (West Virginia) Thanks to a partnership between the City of Weston and AmeriCorps, students at Robert L. Bland Middle School in West Virginia will take part in a comprehensive afterschool program this year....

BY: Magen Eissenstat      11/20/24

Weekly Media Roundup: November 13, 2024

Flower City Arts Center Empowers Students to Share Stories Through Photography, Spectrum News 1 (New York) Through photography, sculpture, and painting, the afterschool program at the Flower City Arts Center in Rochester, New York is empowering middle and high schoolers to express themselves...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      11/13/24