

Weekly Media Roundup: February 21, 2024


Weekly Media Roundup: February 21, 2024

Missoula After-School Program for BIPOC Youth Creating Next Generation of Leaders, KTVQ-TV (Montana)

At the Association for BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) Youth afterschool program in Missoula, Montana, students of color build community, take part in mindfulness activities, and develop their leadership skills. “Growing up here in Montana, the population of people of color — whether that be Native American people or Black people — is very low," student and Association for BIPOC Youth co-founder Sylvie Tower told KTVQ-TV. "And I think that’s pretty evident in our public schools. What then happens is, there’s a lot of misunderstanding about our experiences as kids of color.” The group is one of many afterschool programs provided by EmpowerMT.

Combating Food Insecurity, Observer-Reporter (Pennsylvania)

In recognition of its efforts to address food insecurity in Washington, Pennsylvania, the LeMoyne Community Center received the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank’s Child Hunger Hero Award. The center’s Homework and More afterschool program provides tutoring and healthy dinners to students in kindergarten through eighth grade. “It is such a blessing to us because we know the reach is reaching further than just what’s inside the building,” Trish Robinson, program director at the LeMoyne Community Center, told the Observer-Reporter. “In order to change a culture, you have to change a mindset. We’re bringing the kids in and teaching them better eating habits, which may lead to better studying habits, which leads to better attitudes.”

MAMS Students Explore Hospital Careers, The Meadville Tribune (Pennsylvania)

Last week, students from Meadville Area Middle School’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers program in Pennsylvania visited Meadville Medical Center to explore non-medical careers in the health care sector. The students met with representatives from the hospital’s human resources, facility environmental services, and facility engineering departments.  “Meadville Medical Center is the ideal place for students to learn about career exploration because of its awarding-winning care,” teacher Harrison Dixon told the Meadville Tribune. “It is the largest employer in Crawford County and a place where many of the students’ parents work.” The afterschool program also offers art, chess, physical fitness, sign language, and more.

Common Good to Build New Playground and Community Gardens at the Hub, Fox 23 News (Oklahoma)

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, students at Common Good’s afterschool program will soon be able to play outdoors on a new playground set and tend to a community garden. “We operate in an old warehouse market grocery store so there’s no windows within our facilities, and so it’s great for our kids to be able to come outside, see the fresh sunshine, have the wind in their face and play together,” Stephen Pyle, executive director of the Common Good, told Fox 23 News. Community members are excited about the new playground as there are few in the area and are appreciative that the garden will produce fresh vegetables for local residents.

Weekly Media Roundup: January 29, 2025

Afterschool Program Introduces West Columbia Students to Technology, The Facts (Texas) Students at West Columbia Elementary in Texas are taking part in hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities in the new Robocatters afterschool program, which already has a long...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/29/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 22, 2025

Another Year, Another Long Waitlist for BUSD After-School Program, Berkeleyside (California) Due to ongoing staffing shortages, more than 200 students are currently waitlisted for afterschool programs at Berkeley Unified School District. Parents in the district’s PTA Collaborative on...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/22/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 15, 2025

New 4-H Program Will Bring STEAM to Area Students, KNEB (Nebraska) Students in rural Expanding Learning Opportunity programs in Nebraska are exploring aerospace, electronics, engineering, robotics and more thanks to a partnership with 4-H. The Think Make Create Lab is a six-by-12 mobile trailer...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/15/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 8, 2025

Parks and Recreation Secures Grant to Bring Physical Activity Education to Youth in Afterschool Program, WBIW (Indiana) More than 50 students in the Banneker Afterschool program in Bloomington, Indiana are taking part in fun physical activities this year led by Indiana University School of...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/08/25

Weekly Media Roundup: December 18, 2024

Mason City YMCA Teaching Social and Emotional Skills to Kids, News-Press Now (Iowa) Students in the Mason City YMCA afterschool program in Iowa practice communication, emotional regulation, empathy and more in twice-weekly social and emotional learning sessions, learning, for instance, to take...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/18/24

Weekly Media Roundup: December 11, 2024

Usher Helps Cut Ribbon On New Content Studio at Metro Boys and Girls, WSB-TV (Georgia) This week, superstar Usher visited the Whitehead Boys & Girls Club in Atlanta, Georgia, to unveil a new content studio he donated featuring soundboards, mics, computers and other audio equipment. The...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/11/24

Weekly Media Roundup: December 4, 2024

New Program Helps Connect Older Kids to Valuable Activities, Pigeon 605 (South Dakota) Through Sioux Falls Thrive’s new Youth Connect website, parents can explore afterschool programs available in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  “Our goal is to make it super-easy for families, kids...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/04/24

Weekly Media Roundup: November 27, 2024

Detroit After-School Program Mentoring Children Through Art, Music Looking to Expand, WDIV (Michigan) At the New City Kids afterschool program in Detroit, teen mentors inspire younger students to pursue music, dance, and the arts while also providing homework assistance. The teen mentors...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      11/27/24

Weekly Media Roundup: November 20, 2024

After-School Program Opens in Lewis County for the First Time in Years, WDTV 5 (West Virginia) Thanks to a partnership between the City of Weston and AmeriCorps, students at Robert L. Bland Middle School in West Virginia will take part in a comprehensive afterschool program this year....

BY: Magen Eissenstat      11/20/24

Weekly Media Roundup: November 13, 2024

Flower City Arts Center Empowers Students to Share Stories Through Photography, Spectrum News 1 (New York) Through photography, sculpture, and painting, the afterschool program at the Flower City Arts Center in Rochester, New York is empowering middle and high schoolers to express themselves...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      11/13/24