State funding sources

Apply for funds from state agencies

Recently, states have demonstrated a growing interest in afterschool and are increasingly investing in afterschool initiatives and programs, although the level of commitment varies by state.

Some states have invested millions of dollars in afterschool, while others have yet to dedicate any funding specifically to afterschool. State programs also vary in goals, grant length, eligibility and grant size.

States approach their investment in afterschool in different ways, with some directing general fund money to afterschool, others infusing afterschool initiatives into education reform efforts and still others using specific revenue sources to support new afterschool programs.

For example, Indiana draws from its general fund to support the Indiana School Age Child Care Project Fund which provides $524,000 worth of grants to 41 schools and nonprofits operating afterschool programs.

Some states have successfully used tobacco settlement funds for afterschool, such as the Fund for Healthy Maine which provides funds for afterschool and other related programs for youth up to age 15.

The state agency that administers afterschool initiatives also varies. Many states administer afterschool programs through their department of education, as in, California's After School Learning & Safe Neighborhoods Partnership Program but others rely on their juvenile justice department, as with North Carolina's Support Our Students program, or other state agencies such as health and human services.

Statewide Afterschool Networks can play a role in increasing investments in afterschool. The American Youth Policy Forum highlights this role in an issue brief.

To learn more about the funding available in your state, check out the following resources: