

Senate passes ESEA, 21st CCLC: sends to President for signature


Senate passes ESEA, 21st CCLC: sends to President for signature

By a strong bipartisan vote of 85 to 12, the US Senate cleared the second to last hurdle for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) sending the measure, which will now be called the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), to the President’s desk to be signed into law, with reports indicating that the signing will occur tomorrow, Dec. 10. The long delayed reauthorization of ESEA includes multiple provisions strengthening and supporting student access to quality afterschool and summer learning programs, including an update to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative. 

As described by Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant in a letter to the field last week, there were multiple challenges to the inclusion of 21st CCLC in the final ESEA bill including efforts to eliminate the program. However 21st CCLC was preserved in the final compromise bill as a result of the strong evidence base of 21st CCLC, well-reasoned advocacy on the part of afterschool supporters and more than 670 allied organizations, and tremendous champions in Congress including Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Patty Murray (D-WA), Al Franken (D-MN), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Susan Collins (R-ME), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and in the House of Representatives by Representatives Lou Barletta (R-PA), Dan Kildee (D-MI), David Cicilline (D-RI), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Susan Brooks (R-IN), Don Young (R-AK) and Nita Lowey (D-NY).

Among the key provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act that support afterschool and summer learning programs for K through 12th grade students are the following:

21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)

The 21st CCLC language in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is largely based on the Afterschool for America’s Children Act amendment that was developed by Senators Boxer and Murkowski with input from the afterschool field over the past several years. The new langauge:

  • Strengthens school-community partnerships to include sharing of data and resources, the ability to better leverage relationships within the community and provide an intentional alignment with the school day.
  • Encourages innovative new ways to engage students in learning that looks different from a traditional school day, with an emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning; science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM); financial literacy, workforce development, environmental literacy; and physical activity and nutrition education. Supports approaches that focus on individualized learning that provide a variety of ways for students to master core skills and knowledge.
  • Provides accountability measures that are connected to college- and career-readiness goals and shows student progress over time towards meeting indicators of student success including school attendance, grades and on-time grade level advancement.
  • Increases quality and accountability through parent engagement, better alignment with state learning objectives and coordination between federal, state and local agencies.
  • Gives additional flexibility to state education agencies to dedicate more resources to training, professional development and quality improvement for programs and program staff. Also allows states to work with external organizations to provide training and support to grantees.
  • Includes language that would allow 21st CCLC funds to be used for specific ‘afterschool-like’ activities as part of expanded learning programs in cases where at least 300 hours are added during the year; schools work with community partners; and activities do not supplant existing programs.
  • Does not prioritize any one model of expanded learning opportunities over another.
  • Maintains formula grants to states that then distribute funds to local school-community partnerships through a competitive grant process.
  • Authorizes the program at $1 billion for FY2017, and $1.1 billion for FY2018 through FY2020 however exact funding levels will be determined by Appropriations Committees. 

STEM afterschool

In Part A of Title IV of the bill a new $1.65 billion formula grant program would provide funding to each state, with local school district recipients of the funding being required to spend at least 20 percent of their funding on “well-rounded” educational activities, which include a priority focus on STEM-education specific activities, specifically including afterschool STEM. In order to receive these funds, local school districts will conduct a needs assessment to examine the specific areas in need of improvement in order to provide a well-rounded education to all students. The provision highlights the ability to partner with established afterschool and STEM networks to provide technical assistance to afterschool programs to improve their practice.

Community schools

The Full-Service Community Schools model is included in the Every Student Succeeds Act through the Community Support for School Success program which authorizes at least 10 grants, if not more, annually for the Full-Service Community Schools [FSCS] program. These grants will provide assistance to FSCS programs to improve the coordination and integration, accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families. Each new Full-Service Community School grant will provide a minimum of $75,000 each year (up to five years, with a possible two year extension) to help FSCS programs strengthen their network of social services that help students succeed in school.

Title I community partnerships 

The bill includes provisions based on legislation by Rep. Cicilline and Sen. Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced earlier this year that strengthens afterschool programs through community partnerships. The bill encourages school districts and community-based organizations to work together to improve the availability and quality of afterschool programming for students. 

Youth Promise plans 

This language helps states and school districts reduce the overuse of exclusionary discipline practices by allowing funding to be used for Youth PROMISE plans. Youth PROMISE plans are comprehensive, evidence-based plans that are designed to address neighborhoods with significant crime, teen pregnancy, and other problems and are designed to reinvest savings generated by those plans to keep them working in the future.

Literacy and Family Engagement

Both literacy and family engagement grants programs in ESSA include afterschool programs as places to engage families in activities to improve their children’s academic outcomes as well as providing evidenced-based literacy instruction for struggling students in reading and writing.

Many details around regulations and implementation of the soon-to-become law are still uncertain and the Department of Education is charged with drafting, proposing and finalizing rules and guidance over the coming years. However, the new law would keep the Department’s No Child Left Behind waivers in effect until August 31, 2016, with competitive grants in the new law going into effect on October 1st, 2016, and non-competitive grants going into effect on July 1, 2016.  The Afterschool Alliance is planning a series of blogs later this month and webinars in early 2016 on the afterschool components of the new law, their implications and the transition from current law to ESSA.

Thank your members of Congress for their support of afterschool and summer learning in ESEA and call on them to support the FY2016 spending bill being considered in Congress this month to ensure 21st CCLC is funded this school year. 

The Impact of the Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families Executive Order on afterschool and summer learning programs

This week several additional Executive Orders were announced by the Trump Administration in addition to the Orders put in place last week. Two new Orders, on Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families (January 29) and Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling (January 29)could...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/31/25

New Executive Orders could impact afterschool and summer learning programs

Photo by Edoardo Cuoghi on Unsplash. After being sworn in as the 47th President of the United States on January 20, President Trump issued several Executive Orders on a wide range of issues, including several that impact federal agencies and regulatory processes. Below, we touch on a number of...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/29/25

Federal Budget Appropriations Update: Looking ahead at 2025

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash. While the 119th Congress has officially begun, the landscape is still shaking out in terms of priorities for the new House and Senate education committees. At least one, if not two, budget reconciliation bills are taking shape, extending tax credits and...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/29/25

OMB temporarily pauses federal agency grants, loans, and assistance

Update: January 31, 2025: Clarification that while the Administration’s Office of Management and Budget rescinded the memo from last Monday, the review and vetting of all federal assistance grants and loans (except those to individuals) being conducted by federal agencies is still underway....

BY: Erik Peterson      01/28/25

Afterschool Alliance sends memo to President-elect Trump’s Transition Team

On January 20, 2025, President Elect Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. Late last year, Linda McMahon was announced as the nominee to serve as Secretary of Education, pending Senate confirmation early this year. In anticipation of the new Administration, the...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/15/25

Several new bills introduced that would support afterschool and summer learning opportunities

While Congress is on recess this month leading up to the election in early November,  three new bills were introduced over the past few months that could increase access to  quality afterschool or summer learning programs. The focus of the bills range from providing support to AmeriCorps...

BY: Erik Peterson      10/29/24

New Office of Child Care Final Rule FAQ emphasizes opportunity for school-age grants in underserved areas and co-pay waivers

The Office of Child Care through the National Center for Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) published a document on Frequently Asked Questions: CCDF 2024 Final Rule and School-Age Child Care. The document helps the field to interpret some of the opportunities of the Final Rule through a...

BY: Jillian Luchner      10/22/24

Newly introduced legislation would expand opportunities for community service in Federal Work-Study programs

U.S. Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (CT) recently introduced the Students Working for Communities Act to foster and expand student opportunities to participate in community service under the Federal Work-Study Program. The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program provides students with work...

BY: Jillian Luchner      10/04/24

New Department of Education School Improvement Guidance includes afterschool and summer as important strategies

In early September, the White House released two documents that speak to the role that quality afterschool and summer learning programs can and do play in supporting student success. The White House Fact Sheet on Academic Success and the new School Improvement Guidance are complementary and outline...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/20/24

During election season, afterschool remains a bipartisan issue

Election Day is quickly approaching, making it a good time to look at how afterschool and summer learning programs might be impacted by the policy platforms of the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees. While policy platforms do not necessarily reflect how the candidates might address an...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/17/24

Federal Budget Appropriations Update: Looking ahead at 2025

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash. While the 119th Congress has officially begun, the landscape is still shaking out in terms of priorities for the new House and Senate education committees. At least one, if not two, budget reconciliation bills are taking shape, extending tax credits and...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/29/25

Appropriations Update: Continuing Resolution to fund the government through March 2025

Update: Dec. 21, 2024. After a hectic week that included a carefully negotiated deal falling apart, and then another possible continuing resolution (CR) falling apart, the House and Senate both passed a new CR late into the hours of this morning by bipartisan votes, avoiding a government shutdown....

BY: Erik Peterson      12/19/24

Practice and policy recommendations featured during UnidosUS and BGCA Hill briefing

On Tuesday, December 3, UnidosUS and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America hosted a Hill briefing titled Out-of-School Time Learning: Practice to Policy. UnidosUS published a brief of the same name in October 2024. Brian Ortega of UnidosUS began the morning by explaining the origins of the...

BY: Jillian Luchner      12/10/24

Election 2024 results: What may be next for afterschool

As the dust settles from Election Day 2024, the results have various possible implications for public support of afterschool and summer learning programs at the federal, state and local levels. Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant wrote on our blog on Nov. 6, “We will continue...

BY: Erik Peterson      11/13/24

Several new bills introduced that would support afterschool and summer learning opportunities

While Congress is on recess this month leading up to the election in early November,  three new bills were introduced over the past few months that could increase access to  quality afterschool or summer learning programs. The focus of the bills range from providing support to AmeriCorps...

BY: Erik Peterson      10/29/24

Bipartisan Summer Meals Act reintroduced in the House of Representatives

The bipartisan Summer Meals Act (H.R. 9406) was reintroduced in the House in late August by Reps. Larsen (D-Wash.), Smith (R-N.J.), and Peltola (D-Alaska) and would reform and expand the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) to increase access to the federal initiative that funds meals served by...

BY: Erik Peterson      10/28/24

Child care momentum continues with a re-introduced bill for CCDBG

On August 1, Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) introduced the Child Care and Development Block Grant Reauthorization Act of 2024. The act builds on the current Child Care and Development Block Grant legislation last reauthorized in 2014. Additional co-sponsors include Todd Young (R-IN), Susan...

BY: Jillian Luchner      08/13/24

Senate appropriators propose level funding for 21st CCLC in FY 2025

The Senate Appropriations Committee released and marked up their Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) bill on August 1, 2024. The bill proposes $231.34 billion in base discretionary funding for Fiscal Year 2025, and the Committee approved the bill along...

BY: Erik Peterson      08/02/24

Summer for All legislation introduced in the Senate

On July 26, at Camp Courant summer learning program in Farmington, CT, Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) announced the introduction of the Summer for All Act. The new federal legislation aims to help provide high-quality summer enrichment opportunities to all children, youth and families, and...

BY: Erik Peterson      07/30/24

Senate Finance Committee examines the State of Child Care

On July 9, 2024, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing titled "Examining the State of Child Care: How Federal Policy Solutions Can Support Families, Close Existing Gaps, and Strengthen Economic Growth." This hearing addressed the urgent child care crisis in the United States. The...

BY: Jamaiya Nowling      07/25/24

2024 in review: New state investments help grow support for afterschool and summer

This year, six states were added to the growing list of states investing in afterschool and summer learning programs through their budgets. Colorado, Hawaii, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Virginia have all established new state funding streams for afterschool and summer learning, and Oregon rejoined...

BY: Chris Neitzey      01/09/25

Washington, D.C. Council Committee hearing focuses on universal access to afterschool and summer programs

On November 21 the Washington, D.C. City Council Committee of the Whole held a public hearing on Bill 25-630 “Universal Out of School Time Amendment Act of 2023” and on oversight of out of school time programs. Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant testified in support of...

BY: Erik Peterson      12/03/24

State and local elections 2024: Implications for afterschool programs

As momentum grows at the state and local level to provide much-needed support for afterschool and summer learning programs that inspire learning, keep young people safe and supported, and give parents peace of mind, it is useful to take a look at how the November 2024 state and local election...

BY: Erik Peterson      11/14/24

Increased state-level funding for afterschool and summer programs helps students succeed

State-level funding for afterschool and summer learning programs has increased 20-fold since 2000, with 26 states now collectively providing more than $5 billion in funding for local programs. The growth in state funding for afterschool and summer programs reflects the increased demand for programs...

BY: Erik Peterson      08/20/24

Child care momentum continues with a re-introduced bill for CCDBG

On August 1, Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) introduced the Child Care and Development Block Grant Reauthorization Act of 2024. The act builds on the current Child Care and Development Block Grant legislation last reauthorized in 2014. Additional co-sponsors include Todd Young (R-IN), Susan...

BY: Jillian Luchner      08/13/24

Pennsylvania approves $11.5 million for local afterschool and summer programs

On July 11, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro signed into law the Shapiro-Davis budget creating the Building Opportunity through Out-of-School Time (BOOST) Program as part of a comprehensive approach to making Pennsylvania communities safer. This represents the first dedicated funding for local...

BY: Erik Peterson      07/22/24

State budget roundup for afterschool: Part 1

Last year saw the addition of four states – Minnesota, Texas, New Mexico, and Michigan – to the growing list of states investing in afterschool and summer programming. This year, with the majority of state legislative sessions coming to a close, we can add four more to that total....

BY: Chris Neitzey      05/22/24

New resource: Designing State Child Care Systems with Intentional Supports for Children and Youth 5-13

The State Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) planning process is in full swing, and states are envisioning how to best provide quality support and access to care for eligible children and youth aged 0-13. It’s a big endeavor, and it truly takes a village. The Administration of...

BY: Jillian Luchner      05/06/24

New York takes steps to build stronger state afterschool system

By Gabby Schwartz, Policy Coordinator, New York State Network for Youth Success. In February, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced an investment of $100 million in grants for a new afterschool program, the Learning and Enrichment After-school Program Supports (LEAPS). This new program...

BY: Guest Blogger      05/02/24

It’s time for school-age advocates to raise their voices in state plans

The state child care planning template for the next three years is out! From now until July 1, State Administrative Agencies will be determining how to spend over $12 billion annually in federal Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF) dedicated to helping eligible families find affordable,...

BY: Jillian Luchner      04/19/24

Federal Budget Appropriations Update: Looking ahead at 2025

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash. While the 119th Congress has officially begun, the landscape is still shaking out in terms of priorities for the new House and Senate education committees. At least one, if not two, budget reconciliation bills are taking shape, extending tax credits and...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/29/25

Election 2024 results: What may be next for afterschool

As the dust settles from Election Day 2024, the results have various possible implications for public support of afterschool and summer learning programs at the federal, state and local levels. Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant wrote on our blog on Nov. 6, “We will continue...

BY: Erik Peterson      11/13/24

21st CCLC Non-Regulatory Guidance finalized, includes updated information on parent fees

On September 3, the U.S. Department of Education published its final Non-Regulatory Guidance for the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) program. This guidance officially replaces the last edition of guidance published in 2003. The guidance aligns with the updated legislative...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/06/24

Senate appropriators propose level funding for 21st CCLC in FY 2025

The Senate Appropriations Committee released and marked up their Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) bill on August 1, 2024. The bill proposes $231.34 billion in base discretionary funding for Fiscal Year 2025, and the Committee approved the bill along...

BY: Erik Peterson      08/02/24

Senate Finance Committee examines the State of Child Care

On July 9, 2024, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing titled "Examining the State of Child Care: How Federal Policy Solutions Can Support Families, Close Existing Gaps, and Strengthen Economic Growth." This hearing addressed the urgent child care crisis in the United States. The...

BY: Jamaiya Nowling      07/25/24

Appropriations update: House Committee passes FY 2025 Education Spending Bill, Senate starts process

This week, both the House and Senate made progress on the FY 2025 appropriations cycle. The House Appropriations Committee continued to approve bills sent to them by the 12 spending subcommittees, while the Senate got its process started by deciding topline figures. House Committee acts on...

BY: Erik Peterson      07/12/24

Key House subcommittee makes deep cuts to education spending in FY 25

On June 27, the House of Representatives Labor, Health and Human Services, Education (LHHS-ED) and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee marked up its FY 2025 spending bill. Overall, the FY 2025 Labor-Health and Humans Services-Education bill (Labor-H) provides $68.1 billion for Department...

BY: Erik Peterson      06/27/24

FY 25 appropriations process hits its stride, time to advocate for afterschool

After many delays, Congress finished work on fiscal year (FY) 2024 spending bills in late March, allowing lawmakers to immediately turn to the FY 2025 process. The House Appropriations Committee has a new Chairman, both House and Senate Appropriation Committees have released guidance for spending...

BY: Erik Peterson      05/03/24

Congress poised to resolve FY 2024 spending with 6-bill package, including support for afterschool and summer programs

Update, March 25, 2024:The Senate passed the measure early Saturday morning, and the bill has been signed into law by President Biden. Update, March 22, 2024: The House of Representatives passed the FY 2024 six-bill package on Friday morning by a vote of 286-134. Read the statement by Jodi...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/21/24

FY 2024 Appropriations update: Six spending bills passed; new deadline for education spending

Crisis averted. Yet again. The first week of March was another “shutdown week” in Washington, D.C. However, by week’s end, the House and Senate had passed a package of six appropriations bills that headed off a partial federal government shutdown, as funding for four spending...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/13/24

Linda McMahon nominated to be Secretary of Education for the second Trump Administration

Photo by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0‍ On November 19, the Trump Administration transition team announced Linda McMahon as their nominee for Secretary of Education. McMahon served in the cabinet of the previous Trump Administration as director of the Small Business...

BY: Erik Peterson      12/05/24

Election 2024 results: What may be next for afterschool

As the dust settles from Election Day 2024, the results have various possible implications for public support of afterschool and summer learning programs at the federal, state and local levels. Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant wrote on our blog on Nov. 6, “We will continue...

BY: Erik Peterson      11/13/24

New Department of Education School Improvement Guidance includes afterschool and summer as important strategies

In early September, the White House released two documents that speak to the role that quality afterschool and summer learning programs can and do play in supporting student success. The White House Fact Sheet on Academic Success and the new School Improvement Guidance are complementary and outline...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/20/24

21st CCLC Non-Regulatory Guidance finalized, includes updated information on parent fees

On September 3, the U.S. Department of Education published its final Non-Regulatory Guidance for the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) program. This guidance officially replaces the last edition of guidance published in 2003. The guidance aligns with the updated legislative...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/06/24

FY 25 appropriations process hits its stride, time to advocate for afterschool

After many delays, Congress finished work on fiscal year (FY) 2024 spending bills in late March, allowing lawmakers to immediately turn to the FY 2025 process. The House Appropriations Committee has a new Chairman, both House and Senate Appropriation Committees have released guidance for spending...

BY: Erik Peterson      05/03/24

Congress poised to resolve FY 2024 spending with 6-bill package, including support for afterschool and summer programs

Update, March 25, 2024:The Senate passed the measure early Saturday morning, and the bill has been signed into law by President Biden. Update, March 22, 2024: The House of Representatives passed the FY 2024 six-bill package on Friday morning by a vote of 286-134. Read the statement by Jodi...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/21/24

White House Domestic Policy Council focuses on summer learning

Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash On March 13, just days after the administration released their FY 2025 budget proposal, the White House Domestic Policy Council (DPC) hosted a Summer Learning Convening in the White House Executive Office Building. The meeting was kicked off by DPC...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/18/24

Afterschool and summer learning called out in Improving Student Achievement agenda

Earlier this month the Biden administration announced a new effort focused on providing students with the support they need to accelerate learning and be successful in school and life. The Improving Student Achievement Agenda for 2024 was launched at the White House on January 17 and is focused on...

BY: Erik Peterson      02/01/24

Extending the liquidation deadline of ESSER III funds to promote student success

Last week, the U.S. Department of Education released a letter sent to state education agencies outlining the process for requesting American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding extensions. The process will be similar to what was announced for ESSER I and...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/19/24

21st CCLC is 25: Join us in an upcoming year of visioning the future of 21st Century Community Learning Centers

As the year wraps up, we offer a final cheer in celebration of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative’s twenty fifth year! It was a year filled with an information packed 21st CCLC Summer Institute; the continuation of the federal Engage Every Student...

BY: Jillian Luchner      12/20/23

Federal Budget Appropriations Update: Looking ahead at 2025

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash. While the 119th Congress has officially begun, the landscape is still shaking out in terms of priorities for the new House and Senate education committees. At least one, if not two, budget reconciliation bills are taking shape, extending tax credits and...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/29/25

OMB temporarily pauses federal agency grants, loans, and assistance

Update: January 31, 2025: Clarification that while the Administration’s Office of Management and Budget rescinded the memo from last Monday, the review and vetting of all federal assistance grants and loans (except those to individuals) being conducted by federal agencies is still underway....

BY: Erik Peterson      01/28/25

Appropriations Update: Continuing Resolution to fund the government through March 2025

Update: Dec. 21, 2024. After a hectic week that included a carefully negotiated deal falling apart, and then another possible continuing resolution (CR) falling apart, the House and Senate both passed a new CR late into the hours of this morning by bipartisan votes, avoiding a government shutdown....

BY: Erik Peterson      12/19/24

Senate appropriators propose level funding for 21st CCLC in FY 2025

The Senate Appropriations Committee released and marked up their Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) bill on August 1, 2024. The bill proposes $231.34 billion in base discretionary funding for Fiscal Year 2025, and the Committee approved the bill along...

BY: Erik Peterson      08/02/24

Key House subcommittee makes deep cuts to education spending in FY 25

On June 27, the House of Representatives Labor, Health and Human Services, Education (LHHS-ED) and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee marked up its FY 2025 spending bill. Overall, the FY 2025 Labor-Health and Humans Services-Education bill (Labor-H) provides $68.1 billion for Department...

BY: Erik Peterson      06/27/24

Congress poised to resolve FY 2024 spending with 6-bill package, including support for afterschool and summer programs

Update, March 25, 2024:The Senate passed the measure early Saturday morning, and the bill has been signed into law by President Biden. Update, March 22, 2024: The House of Representatives passed the FY 2024 six-bill package on Friday morning by a vote of 286-134. Read the statement by Jodi...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/21/24

FY 2024 Appropriations update: Six spending bills passed; new deadline for education spending

Crisis averted. Yet again. The first week of March was another “shutdown week” in Washington, D.C. However, by week’s end, the House and Senate had passed a package of six appropriations bills that headed off a partial federal government shutdown, as funding for four spending...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/13/24

Biden administration releases FY 2025 budget proposal, includes afterschool related increases

Today, the Biden administration released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 discretionary budget request, formally kicking off the FY2025 appropriations process. With regard to afterschool and summer learning support, the proposal requests $1.3 billion for afterschool and summer programs funded through the...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/11/24

FY 24 Appropriations update: Continuing Resolution, education spending bills, and… shutdown averted?

Update – Nov. 16, 2023: Last night the ‘two-tiered’ Continuing Resolution that will keep federal funding intact until Jan. 19, 2024, (for Military Construction-VA, Agriculture, Energy and Water, and Transportation-HUDs) and until Feb. 2, 2024, (for all other federal agencies...

BY: Erik Peterson      11/15/23

Federal appropriations update: Are we headed for a shutdown?

Congress is back in session after its annual August recess, and at the top of their to-do list is addressing spending for the fiscal year that begins October 1. As we touched on last month, lawmakers are staring down a fast-approaching deadline for action on FY 2024 spending. It is clear that...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/15/23

New federal court ruling requires the Administration to continue funding grants and contracts until additional analysis can be completed

On Friday, January 31, the District Court of Rhode Island issued a temporary restraining order in response to a lawsuit filed by Democratic Attorneys General. The order related to the OMB Memo of January 27 and prevents the Administration from pausing federal funding that goes "through"...

BY: Jodi Grant      02/03/25

The Impact of the Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families Executive Order on afterschool and summer learning programs

This week several additional Executive Orders were announced by the Trump Administration in addition to the Orders put in place last week. Two new Orders, on Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families (January 29) and Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling (January 29)could...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/31/25

New Executive Orders could impact afterschool and summer learning programs

Photo by Edoardo Cuoghi on Unsplash. After being sworn in as the 47th President of the United States on January 20, President Trump issued several Executive Orders on a wide range of issues, including several that impact federal agencies and regulatory processes. Below, we touch on a number of...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/29/25

Afterschool Alliance sends memo to President-elect Trump’s Transition Team

On January 20, 2025, President Elect Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. Late last year, Linda McMahon was announced as the nominee to serve as Secretary of Education, pending Senate confirmation early this year. In anticipation of the new Administration, the...

BY: Erik Peterson      01/15/25

Linda McMahon nominated to be Secretary of Education for the second Trump Administration

Photo by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0‍ On November 19, the Trump Administration transition team announced Linda McMahon as their nominee for Secretary of Education. McMahon served in the cabinet of the previous Trump Administration as director of the Small Business...

BY: Erik Peterson      12/05/24

Election 2024 results: What may be next for afterschool

As the dust settles from Election Day 2024, the results have various possible implications for public support of afterschool and summer learning programs at the federal, state and local levels. Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant wrote on our blog on Nov. 6, “We will continue...

BY: Erik Peterson      11/13/24

New Department of Education School Improvement Guidance includes afterschool and summer as important strategies

In early September, the White House released two documents that speak to the role that quality afterschool and summer learning programs can and do play in supporting student success. The White House Fact Sheet on Academic Success and the new School Improvement Guidance are complementary and outline...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/20/24

During election season, afterschool remains a bipartisan issue

Election Day is quickly approaching, making it a good time to look at how afterschool and summer learning programs might be impacted by the policy platforms of the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees. While policy platforms do not necessarily reflect how the candidates might address an...

BY: Erik Peterson      09/17/24

White House Domestic Policy Council focuses on summer learning

Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash On March 13, just days after the administration released their FY 2025 budget proposal, the White House Domestic Policy Council (DPC) hosted a Summer Learning Convening in the White House Executive Office Building. The meeting was kicked off by DPC...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/18/24

State of the Union recognizes importance of summer learning programs

Last Thursday night, March 7, President Joe Biden delivered his annual State of the Union address to Congress. The president’s address centered on what he considers to be historic achievements he delivered for the American people and his vision for the future. Specific achievements mentioned...

BY: Erik Peterson      03/12/24