Fact Sheets

Introduce yourself to the basics

Familiarize yourself with all things afterschool in these short and to-the-point fact sheets that cover everything from figures on participation in afterschool to outcomes associated with afterschool.  

The research on afterschool programs is vast and continues to grow, with more than 15 years’ worth of evaluations and data on afterschool program participation spanning a decade. This section includes materials that present the highlights of afterschool facts and figures in a short and succinct package. Looking for figures that establish the need for afterschool programs? Interested in the key outcomes associated with afterschool program participation? You’re in the right place.

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What Does the Research Say About Afterschool? (Nov 2017)

Afterschool and summer learning programs inspire students to learn, keep children and teenagers safe, and give parents peace of mind. This fact sheet provides a small sampling of findings—from meta-analyses to program-level evaluations—that show that there is demonstrable evidence of the positive impact programs have on students' academics, school-day attendance, engagement in learning, and behavior. 


Building Workforce Skills and Inspiring Future Careers (March 2020)

In a 2019 survey of employers, more than 80 percent encountered challenges recruiting qualified job candidates and among that group, 3 out of 4 reported a skills gap among applicants. This fact sheet describes the ways in which afterschool and summer learning programs are uniquely positioned to help address this major challenge and prepare young people for the jobs of tomorrow.
