In-depth reporting on afterschool
Sometimes you don’t want to boil down the information on an issue. These lengthier materials provide a more comprehensive look at afterschool developments and research.
In-depth reporting on afterschool
Sometimes you don’t want to boil down the information on an issue. These lengthier materials provide a more comprehensive look at afterschool developments and research.
This section includes a variety of reports that present evaluation data on afterschool, recent afterschool developments, and research on how states and afterschool programs are dealing with tough budget times. Click on the links below to read the reports.
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Afterschool in Action: How Innovative Afterschool Programs Address Critical Issues Facing Middle School Youth (2012) With support from MetLife Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this compendium containing a series of four issue briefs examining critical issues facing middle school youth, schools and communities, and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. The four briefs address: aligning afterschool with the regular school day; bullying prevention; service learning; and promoting literacy. The compendium also includes profiles of successful programs and a discussion of the MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Awards |
Afterschool in Action: Innovative Afterschool Programs Supporting Middle School Youth (2013) This year marks the fifth round of the MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Awards. For the past five years, we have collaborated to highlight the work of quality afterschool programs that support children, families and communities across the nation. This compendium includes an in-depth profile of 2012 Afterschool Innovator Award winners, a review of 2008-2011 winners, and a compilation of four issue briefs exploring afterschool’s role in school improvement efforts, arts enrichment, parent engagement and digital learning. |
Afterschool in Action: Promoting Middle School Success Through Innovative Afterschool Programs (2014) In collaboration with the MetLife Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance is proud to present the sixth and final round of the MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Awards, highlighting the exemplary work of afterschool programs around the country. This compendium provides an overview of this work, highlights the nearly 100 programs featured in MetLife Foundation issue briefs through the years and presents profiles of the five 2014 award winners. This compendium also includes four briefs discussing: the Common Core State Standards; supporting students with disabilities and other special needs; keeping kids safe and supported in the hours after school; and using data to better serve students. |
Afterschool Innovations in Brief (2008) With support from MetLife Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this compilation of four issue briefs examining critical issues facing children, schools and communities, and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. The four briefs address: teacher recruitment and retention; bridging schools and communities; fostering success in school; and supporting family involvement in schools. |
Afterschool Innovations in Brief: Engaging Middle School Youth (2011) With support from MetLife Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this compendium of four issue briefs examining critical issues facing middle school youth, schools and communities, and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. The four briefs address: the multiple benefits of afterschool for middle school youth; Science, Technology, Math and Engineering (STEM); health and wellness for pre-teens and teens; and pathways to higher education and careers. |
Afterschool Innovations in Brief: Focusing on Older Youth (2009) With support from MetLife Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this compendium of four issue briefs examining critical issues facing older youth, and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. The four briefs address: opening doors to work and careers; the challenge of recruiting and retaining older youth; high school dropout prevention; and a place for older youth to mentor and be mentored. |
Afterschool Programs Inspiring Students with a Connected Learning Approach (January 2015) Connected learning, an educational approach that integrates student interest and peer networks with academic pursuit, has been shown to create a deeper form of learning that help students succeed in school, work and life. Afterschool programs have been pioneers in this approach, with environments well-suited for connected learning. This report presents the benefits of the connected learning approach and explores how afterschool can continue to integrate the principles of connected learning into programs. |
America After 3PM National Report: The Most In-Depth Study of How America's Children Spend their Afternoons (Oct 2009) The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the second edition of America After 3PM, which spans five years of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This report discusses how children are spending their time afterschool, highlights differences between ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and focuses on findings at the state level. |
America After 3PM Special Report: Afterschool in Communities of Concentrated Poverty (August 2016) This report examines the role that afterschool programs play in supporting families living in high-poverty areas and discusses the demand for afterschool programs in these areas along with families’ experiences with afterschool. Afterschool in Communities of Concentrated Poverty is presented as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. |
America After 3PM: Afterschool Programs in Demand (Oct 2014) The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This report highlights the key findings of the survey data, addresses the demand for more programs and the persistence of an opportunity gap, and emphasizes the need for a wide range of supports and providers. |