Afterschool Research: STEM

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills are increasingly important—afterschool can play a significant role

Afterschool STEM programs are a growing part of the K-12 education landscape. Our research captures how vital STEM learning in afterschool can be and documents the impact afterschool has on young people's lives.

Afterschool and summer programs are offering engaging, hands-on STEM learning programs that are not only getting children excited about these topics, but are also helping them build some real-life skills and proficiencies. There is mounting evidence from a diverse set of afterschool programs that demonstrates the impact of out-of-school time settings.

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Afterschool STEM: Re-engaging students in an equitable recovery

The hands-on learning approach of quality afterschool STEM programs offers a natural platform for reengaging students as they return to classrooms. Hands-on, project-based STEM learning in afterschool supports students in connecting what they learn in the classroom to future careers while developing a new generation of problem solvers in STEM fields.



This is Afterschool STEM (2021)

An updated one-pager that makes the case for afterschool STEM using the latest research.



This is Afterschool STEM (2019)

Jobs in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields power our economy and build shared prosperity among our society. Investing in afterschool and summer STEM learning programs will help students explore their interests, build skills, connect with mentors, and prepare for jobs in growing fields like health care, information technology, and cybersecurity.


Community STEM Collaborations that Support Children and Families

Youth are natural scientists at birth, discovering and exploring their world and trying to make sense of it. A child’s education is not limited to just the time they spend in the classroom. Children learn at home with their families, in public libraries, or through out-of-school-time experiences provided at community centers and in afterschool and summer learning programs, and even on vacations. In this paper, we endeavor to make the case that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) is an ideal subject area that can engage children with fun, active learning activities. It is also an important societal area around which parents, librarians, and OST providers can collaborate and complement the work of schools.



This is afterschool STEM (JUNE 2019)

A one-pager that makes the case for afterschool STEM using the latest research. 



Students learn more with afterschool STEM (April 2018)

A one-pager that makes the case for afterschool STEM using the latest research.


Students learn more with afterschool STEM (April 2018)

A one-pager that makes the case for afterschool STEM using the latest research.


Connecting to computer science: A resource for afterschool practitioners (August 2017)

A curated collection of curricula and other resources to get you and your students coding!


STEM Ready America: Inspiring and Preparing Students for Success with Afterschool and Summer Learning (March 2017)

STEM Ready America, a compendium from 40 authors, presents the evidence for how afterschool STEM programs are preparing young people to be successful in school today and the workforce tomorrow. In addition to current research, the compendium includes real-world examples of effective practices, programs, and partnerships.


Go to Resource

Students Achieve More with Afterschool STEM (June 2017)

A one-pager that makes the case for afterschool STEM using the latest research.

