In-depth reporting on afterschool
Sometimes you don’t want to boil down the information on an issue. These lengthier materials provide a more comprehensive look at afterschool developments and research.
In-depth reporting on afterschool
Sometimes you don’t want to boil down the information on an issue. These lengthier materials provide a more comprehensive look at afterschool developments and research.
This section includes a variety of reports that present evaluation data on afterschool, recent afterschool developments, and research on how states and afterschool programs are dealing with tough budget times. Click on the links below to read the reports.
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America After 3PM: From Big Cities to Small Towns (Oct 2010) The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the second edition of America After 3PM, which spans five years of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This report compares findings for rural, suburban, and urban communities to each other and the nation as a whole. Rural |